Full dialer for Garmin Connect IQ

Finally, the full, advanced dialer for Garmin Connect IQ devices. Only the full touch screen devices are supported: currently that is only Epix and the newly announced Vivoactive HR. The old Vivoactive’s screen is not full touch, it registers only 9 touch areas.


The full and detailed description can be read in the Garmin Connect IQ app store: https://apps.garmin.com/en-US/apps/b6f1ee3e-7663-4177-b1ae-8ce641631684

An Android companion app is required: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=eir.garmin.dialer

Call and SMS Log for Garmin Connect IQ

The second way, next to speed dialing, to quickly call a number from the smart watch is definitely the call log. Here’s the app for Garmin Connect IQ devices. It works nicely with both touch screens and physical keys.


The app on the Garmin Connect IQ Store: https://apps.garmin.com/en-US/apps/4187fab3-36d2-4fe0-ab60-4858424c5cbf

An Android companion app is required: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=eir.garmin.log

Speed dial for Garmin Connect IQ

The first thing I want on any of my smart watches is the ability to quickly make a call. What better way than old-school speed dialing.

speed dial for garming connect iq

The app on the Garmin Connect IQ Store: https://apps.garmin.com/en-US/apps/ebb8b616-52cb-4a32-aee3-aaa95eeffb8d

An Android companion app is required: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=eir.garmin.speeddial

Speed dial for Sony SmartBand Talk SWR30

The classic app that enables quick dialing of predefined 9 contacts is now available for the Sony SmartBand Talk SWR30. The contacts are selected in the app preferences on the phone, and on the band itself UP and DOWN buttons are used for scrolling through the list and the call is made by a TAP on the screen.



Get the app from the Google Play store:
Get the app from Google Play!

Log for the Sony SmartBand Talk SWR30

Using the call log as an address book? Me too. That’s why I find this app to be a must for every Sony SmartBand Talk SWR30 owner. You can scroll through the list of recent calls by using the UP and DOWN buttons, and once you select who you want to call, you tap on the screen to make the call.

Optionally, the text messages (SMS) can be displayed in the same list.


Get the app from the Google Play store:
Get the app from Google Play!

Speed Dial for the Pebble watch

I just published my first Pebble app. It’s a simple speed dialer, the watch initiates a call on the phone. The contacts are preselected via the phone companion app.


Give it a try. Search for “Speed dial” on your Pebble-connected Android device, or follow this link: http://apps.getpebble.com/en_US/application/5626ae103b5b31492e00008a

Приложение «Апологетика: неоязычество»

18 сентября на VIII Межправославной встрече по изучению религий и деструктивных культов, проходящей в Словении, священник Георгий Максимов провел презентацию уникального апологетического приложения для смартфонов и планшетов.

Оно представляет собой подборку материалов, посвященных не только самому феномену неоязычества, но и опровержению расхожих утверждений неоязычников. Материалы распределены по рубрикам: «Мифы неоязычников о христианстве», «Крещение Руси», «Древнее язычество», «Неоязычество (родноверие)», «Что неоязычество дало России?» и «Рассказы бывших неоязычников».

Приложение будет полезным не только для православных миссионеров, но и для более широкого круга людей, интересующихся упомянутыми вопросами.

Приложение разработано Православным миссионерским обществом имени прп. Серапиона Кожеозерского.

Можно бесплатно скачать и установить по следующим ссылкам:

Для устройств на android’е: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=eir.neoyaz
Для устройств Apple (iPhone/iPad): https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=1038143218&mt=8
Для устройств Windows Phone: http://www.windowsphone.com/mk-mk/store/app/neoyaz/931b1ea9-77b5-41e1-b16d-25efd68aa3d0
Для устройств на платформе Firefox OS: https://marketplace.firefox.com/app/neoyaz/

Audiometer for Samsung Gear

The Audiometer app is now available for Samsung Galaxy Gear watches as well.

As reminder, the Audiometer uses the microphone of your phone / tablet to measure the sound level, and display the result on your watch.

Besides the actual sound level, the maximal and the average sound levels are displayed at any time.

Of course, this values cannot be taken for granted, hence the disclaimer: the results may be different than what a professional Sound Meter device would measure.

Get the app from the Google Play store:
Get the app from Google Play!

Orthodox Menologion

Very happy to introduce the app I’ve been working on this Summer.

It’s an upgrade of the Orthodox Calendar app, in the sense that it contains all the icons and lives of saints (or feasts descriptions), a total of 3.290 texts and over 2.000 icons. Like the Orthodox Calendar app, this one too does not require Internet connection to work, allowing you to read your daily spiritual nourishment at any place and at any time.

It contains notes about the periods of the liturgical year and the fasting dates, but you are warmly advised to not rely only on those notes, but to rather speak to your priest about fasting details.

The app is fully in Russian, and is currently available for Android and BlackBerry 10 devices, with support for more platforms on the way!

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The app uses contents from the renowned Azbyka.ru portal, as well as from the “From Pascha to Pascha” calendar by the St Maximus the Greek fund.

The app is free, get it today!

Orthodox Menologion, free at Google Play!

Orthodox Menologion for iPad, free on the App Store!

Orthodox Menologion, free at the Windows Phone Marketplace

Orthodox Menologion, free at BlackBerry World!