7 thoughts on “Orthodox Calendar”

  1. Good morning.

    Your calendar was my favourite Orthodox app on Android, but on iPhone SE the links to the Prologue etc don’t work. Switching between old and new calendars doesn’t help, nor does uninstalling and reinstalling.

    Any suggestions?

    Kind regards,


    1. Hello,

      seems that the online resources have been changed. Thanks for notifying me, I will update the links accordingly.

  2. Please add dropdown menu under three dots like on other apps. On my Motorola (Android 7) I have no access to other functions except of navigation to next-previous day. But I remember that on my previous phone (with qwerty keyboard) I could choose any day of any year.

  3. Goodmorning ,
    I have v5.1 and my problem is that the day does not change automatically , I am talking about the small icon (so as to show todays date) . It changes at random time periods during the day or even the next day . I have to open the app every morning to see todays Saints’ . Can I do anything to fix it ?

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