Orthodox Calendar, English version

The English version of the Orthodox Calendar widget is now available on the Android Market.

Apart from being in English, it follows the new calendar, like most of the English-speaking Orthodox Christians. It may be a bit harder to notice, but it is the same with the Thoughts by St Theophan apps – the Russian version follows the old calendar, while the English version – the new.

3 thoughts on “Orthodox Calendar, English version”

  1. Hello!
    The English version of Thoughts by St. Theophan app is fantastic! So good, that I bought it. I would like to recommend it to several friends, but it is no longer available on Android Market. I called them and they said it had been suspended but they could not tell me why because I am not the developer. So many Orthodox Christians would use this app if they knew about it. Will you please consider contacting the Android Market and see if you can get this wonderful app reinstated?

    Or is there another way to get around this? When my phone blew up, you kindly send the app to me via email. May I spread this app via email to my Orthodox friends? (At least the free version?)


    1. Hi Anne,

      I’m very glad you like the app and find it useful.

      Please email me the contact phone of the Android Market that you have, so that I can call them and check.


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